
King Ay

In his past life, Ay was the penultimate pharaoh of ancient Egypt's 18th Dynasty. He was a close advisor to some pharaohs of the dynasty. He was the power behind the throne during Tutankhamun's reign. His nomen Ay it-netjer reads as "Ay, Father of the God.” At an early age, he was educated by the Egyptian army. He was a smart and greedy warrior, a selfish human who just loves himself and had no real friends. In his whole life, he killed so many living beings. After his death, Ay was reincarnated on earth as a mutant with spikes. Ay became a humble one, with a good heart and soul. Now, Ay loves humans, listens, understands, helps them improve, and shares theirs sapience with the wise ones. They travels a lot and has countless friends all around the world. Ay stays away from greedy ones. They loves to have vocations and to rock on a hammock. Whenever you say Ay’s name three times and ask a question, Ay may share theirs wisdom with you. 


This piece is a reproduction of a classic war scene of King Ay’s reign back in the late 1300s BC. Ay depicted theirself as their recent mutant appearance leading the army to remind theirs compunctions.



